Outrage at sudden price hike [Archives:2003/02/Local News]

January 13 2003

Outrage has been witnessed among citizens in Sana’a and other cities because of the sudden and unexpected hike in foodstuff ranging from 3 to 20 percent.
In a mini-survey conducted by the Yemen Times last Friday, grocers and shop owners say that the new price hike of foodstuff was due to the sudden increase of the US Dollar to the Yemeni rial.
To add insult to injury, gas prices have also increased and there seems to be a gas crisis in Sana’a. As usual, the government blames tribes for this crisis. “They closed the main routes to the Capital preventing gas from coming into Sana’a” an earlier official statement said.
The dollar has increased last week to reach record levels at YR. 181 per dollar.
