Palestinian folklore held in Sana’a [Archives:2003/676/Local News]

October 13 2003

Sana'a, Oct. 11_ On the occasion of the 3rd anniversary of the Palestinian Intifidah, (Uprising) as well as the Yemeni anniversaries, September and October revolutions, a folklore festival was organized by the Kana'an Association for Palestine, KAP, last Saturday in Sana'a at the Youth Palace Hall.
The Al-Aseel Palestinian Folklore Band took part in the festival where several Palestinian folklore songs and dances were performed.
Since its establishment on 17 April 2002, KAP has proven to be an active association in support for the Palestinian people and using all peaceful means.
“We have always committed ourselves to help our Palestinian brothers in the ways we can and with the means we have. It is a duty of all Yemenis and Arabs and Muslims and peace-lovers all over the world to help them as well.”” Mr. Yahya Mohamed Abdullah Saleh said.
KAP called upon all Arabs to boycott all kinds of Israeli products and services to exert enough pressure on Israel to stop its war against the defenseless Palestinian people.