Parliament Speaker Al-Ahmer Calls for Boycotting American Products [Archives:2000/49/Local News]

December 4 2000

Shiek Abdullah Bin Husein Al-Ahmer, Parliament speaker, chairman of the Supreme Committee of Islah Party has called for economically boycotting America and forming an unofficial peoples conference for boycotting. Al-Ahmers call comes in support of the Palestinian intifada and in condemnation of the U.S. bias to Israel. That came in a ceremony held last week where activity of the conference was declared. The ceremony was attended by leaders and secretaries general of Yemeni political parties and organisations.
Preparatory committee of the conference presented a working paper under the theme of For Ramadhan Free from American Products. The working paper has made it clear that the boycott includes the American companies having economic cooperation with Israel. A call is addressed to Arab and Islamic oil producing countries to draw up a
Similar activities. The Society of Consumers Protection, a non-governmental Yemeni organization, carried out campaigns to boycott American and Israeli products. A committee of Sanaa University students was formed for the same purpose.
