Patriotism: victimized [Archives:2002/15/Focus]
Emad al-Saqqaf
Taiz Bureau Chief
In an attempt to cope with the changes shaping all aspects of our world, its easy to allow ourselves to be manipulated by people and forces that go against our principles.
We shouldnt let that happen, especially when it comes to our notion of patriotism.
The concept of patriotism, a good one to begin with, has, regrettably, been used by some evil-doers to suppress their opponents, to label them as extremist, fanatic and treacherous.
It seems the true spirit of patriotism has vanished in our country. And when that happened, it set the stage for a farce whose heroes are supposedly patriots.
This is reflected in the public who now believe somehow that patriotism is something fraudulent and selfish. The public have seen people use so-called patriotism for corrupt and disgusting purposes by people bearing the banner of injustice and devastation instead of peace and goodness.
Islam stresses the importance of serving ones homeland and ones country rewards its citizens with sacred goals that are an integral part of believing.
Political systems and ideologies and organizations have been altered in ways that made people share different opinions on the issue of patriotism. Still, will have to think of developing and preserving our country in a way that protects us from some fanatic ideologies that reinforce the concept of individualism and sectarianism.