Poet Al-Baradoni commemorated in Sana’a [Archives:2006/977/Local News]
SANA'A, Aug. 29 ) At the House of Culture poets, writers, academics and fans marked the anniversary of poet Abdullah Al-Baradoni's death.
It has been seven years since the passing of Al-Baradoni, the prominent Yemeni poet, who was born in Al-Baradon village to the east of Dhamar in 1930.
At the celebration Minister of Culture, Khalid Al-Rewishan, declared the third edition of Al-Baradoni's complete poetry work has been published with 15,000 copies. He said this printing is considered record breaking in terms of Yemeni poetry collections.
Al-Baradoni caught smallpox and lost his sight at age 6 but he overcame the difficulties and studied the Quran and learned how to read and write. He listened to many poets and began composing at the age of 13. Many of his articles and poems were published in newspapers and magazines. He produced 12 poem collections and a number of studies and researches. All financial prizes he won went towards enhancing his books on the market and keeping their price low.
No other poet has been able to reach his aclaim in modern poetry. Al-Baradoni wrote the suffering of his homeland and is seen as someone holding the torch of enlightenment in a country under the yoke of poverty and ruined by diseases. He became the most eminent poet in Yemen.
As part of the celebration Al-Baradoni Public Library was opened in Dhamar city.