Positive Response to  President Saleh’s Qat Initiative [Archives:1999/22/Front Page]

May 31 1999

The Yemen Times received a torrent of favorable response, by electronic and snail mail, to the story about President Ali Abdullah Saleh’s decision to quit chewing qat. 
“I have decided to quit too” is a sentence that appeared in many letters from Yemenis here in the country and from abroad. They all found something they can identify with in the president’s position on qat. 
Several senior officials also confirmed that they too have quit this bad habit. 
As the summer approaches, the Ministry of Youth and Sports is preparing many programs. “1999 is the Youth Year in Yemen. We have embarked on projects to create alternatives for our young people,” said Dr. Abdul-Wahab Rawah, Minister of Youth and Sports. Sports clubs have undertaken programs and activities for young people. “In July, the Ministry will announce the President Saleh Youth Prize. In August, Sanaa will host the Arab Youth Forum. We are engaging the youth,” he said. 
