Postage & post saving general authority [Archives:2004/802/Local News]

December 27 2004

Taiz Bureau
The total revenue of the Postage & Post Saving General Authority in Hodeidah Governorate, during January – September of the current year, has amounted to Y.R.3,795,052,389/00 against 312975 post service operations including collections of electricity, water, telephone, pensions payments, and social welfare cases in addition to payable exports and post savings.

The census issued by the Authority indicated that the postage & post savings services during the same period amounted to Y.R.7,645,967/00

against 7174 postage operations.

The General Manager of the Authority, Mr. Saleh al-Da'ery, has clarified that there are projects under execution during this year represented in Extending postage network and the starting of building two post bureaus in addition to projects which will be executed during the coming period such as post office branches in a number of governorates.