Press Release [Archives:2005/841/Local News]

May 12 2005

FES Sana'a Office Manager Mr. Ahmed Al-Yemeni has stated that Friedrich Ebert Foundation – Sana'a Office is in preparation to expand and increase its activities here in Yemen upgrading the office to be a Regional Office with the appointment of Mr. Felix Eikenberg as its First Regional Representative – attempting to find and create new fields and levels of cooperation with the Yemeni Civil Society Organizations – being more independent financially and administrative wise as other FES's Middles East and North Africa offices.

FES is an international non profit German NGO committed to Democracy, Freedoms and International Treaties and Conventions – and the principles of Social Democracy. It was founded in 1925 to be the oldest political German foundation. It bears the name of the first democratically elected President of Germany Mr. Friedrich Ebert.

Thus, and based on a legacy and a history of 77 years, the foundation runs programs and projects inside and out side Germany mainly in the fields of political/democratic culture, social justice, international co-operation, scientific research, educational support, and social development. Worth mentioning that FES has several offices in the Middle and Near East and North Africa. It started its activities her in Yemen in 1997 and opened its office in Sana'a in 1999.