Regional conference promoting partnership between media and government for economic growth:Hand extended to government [Archives:2003/668/Front Page]

September 15 2003

Sana’a, Sept. 14 – The participant journalists in the regional conference organized by Yemen Times in cooperation with Friedrich Ebert Stiftung that started yesterday in Sana'a with the title “Role of the Free Arab Media in Economic Development” have extended their hands to their governments to start a partnership towards achieving greater economic development.
In the opening speech given by Walid Al-Saqqaf, the Editor-in-Chief of Yemen Times, the participants agreed to extend their hand to the government and offer support to carry out deeply-needed economic and administrative reforms in the Arab world to achieve economic growth.
“We seize this opportunity to extend our hands to decision makers in our Arab governments so as to be partners in development for a prosperous future for our next generations” Al-Saqqaf said.
The conference, which was attended by around two hundred guests including ambassadors, diplomats, businessmen, academicians, journalists, researchers, intellectuals, and participants from a number of Arab countries, has been considered by many to be an initiative to bring solid and concrete steps to enable Arab governments to cooperate with media in the field of economic development.
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