Renewal of Battles in Serwah, Mareb between Army and Tribes [Archives:2000/28/Local News]

July 10 2000

Serwah, Mareb, battles renewed between the battalion 25 (Mech.) stationed in Serwah and tribesmen when a firing took place between some tribesmen and a convoy, resulting in the killing of a soldier and seriously injuring four others who were immediately rushed to the Military Hospital in Sana’a.
Artillery and tanks bombarded the area near the incident resulting in the destruction of three houses and seriously damaging six others. Tribesmen residing in the area fled to valleys to save their lives.
This happened after military confrontations between the army and and Al-Azaidi tribesmen in Serwah erupted a week ago, resulting in two deaths and injuring eight others from both sides. Besides, five houses were burnt and ten others were demolished. A car that came to the rescue of the residents was also set on fire along with a tractor.
Most of the people residing in Serwah are now in valleys and caves due to the continuous raids on their area.
Informed sources stated that the army transported about 100 ton of rockets and artillery shells shells to be used against the battles.
On the other hand, sheikhs from the Juhm tribe met with officials from Mareb last Friday to discuss the situation. They agreed to form a committee to negotiate the latest conflicts that took place and try to solve them. Tribesmen have denounced the army’s actions stating that the destruction aims at the houses and the innocent children and women. Evacuees have requested the Humanitarian International and local organizations to come to their rescue by providing food and medication as every thing they have had have now been destroyed by the army.
Security forces in Sana’a have launched an arrest campaign against whoever belongs to Al-Azaidi tribe. Two students from the tribe are still detained in the criminal investigation office as hostages since the ensuing of the confrontations one week ago.
Tribal sources maintained that an armed group attacked the residence of the general brig. Nahshal of the 25 battalion in Sana’a in retaliation against the army operations.
