Responding to: ‘Has U.S. learned a lesson?’ [Archives:2002/44/Focus]

October 28 2002

[email protected]
Point 1: “Why do they hate us”.
There are only a few people in the US that wonder why the terrorists hate us. Most of us really don’t care. We might be curious but certainly not lamenting the fact. We know who and what the fanatics are all about. We have seen them (Hitler, Stalin, Communists), and have read about them in history books – going all the way back to early Christian, Islamic, Mongolian history. The leaders are “power mad” and use the misfits of their population to militantly act as their surrogates. The troops and innocent civilians are sacrificed in order to reach their goal of domination of others.
Currently your Islamic Fundamentalist fanatics are using the Muslim population to achieve their goal of Islamic domination and destruction of the Christan, Hindu, Sinic, and Jewish religions. To accomplish this goal, they singled out Israel and America as the hated enemy.
What is hate? In spite of what the Islamic world thinks, says, and does against America, we don’t hate you. We see your poverty and misery. How could we hate? We can pity, we can feel somewhat sorry for the people whose government has led them to these miserable conditions, but it’s YOUR problem. We had nothing to do with it. Actually, we have tried to help “the people” with massive foreign aid over decades, but unfortunately in the Middle East and other parts of the world where we have tried to financially help, your governments have been corrupted by greedy leaders. Our financial support has ended up in Swiss Bank accounts.
Which brings me to point 2: You state that America violates the freedom and quality of life for all people. What rubbish! In 1991 we saved the “behinds” of Kuwait and Saudi Arabia and probably a good portion of the Middle East from a man who used gas, and biological weapons on his own people and probably the Iranians. In World War II, we were attacked by the Japanese and the helped Japan attain the second largest economy in the world. Germany was reconstructed with the assistance of America to become the largest economy in Europe. Had not we stopped Russia during the Cold War, Communism would have drastically changed the face of the entire world.
Point 3: Americans are not are not opposing or resisting our government’s strategy regarding Iraq. You blame the Republicans. Here you are ignorant of the facts. You read a newspaper article and assume that the country is divided between political parties. Forget about political parties – it is the nature of politics for one party to oppose the other. It is the people of the country who determine the actions of the nation. We have a democracy – operating as a secular government not a religious government.
Bombs go both ways
Point 4: The USA expresses full support to Israel that increasingly bombs, destroys, and kills innocent civilians in occupied territories. You would have to be completely crazy not to expect Israel to retaliate against the “increasing bombing, destruction, and the killing of innocent civilians” the fanatical Islamic militants have done the same killing against Israel. After sending children to blow themselves up in order to “kill Jews”, the cowardly adults run and hide in the camps among civilians in order to escape retaliation. If you did that to me, there would not be a building standing and a person to be seen for miles from the Israeli border.
Be a partner
I think it is time that the Islamic world, and particularly the Middle East, starts behaving in a manner that is recognized by the civilized world as being a partner in this world. Renounce your perceived resentments and concentrate on building a society that can co-exist with other nations and religions. The people will have a greater opportunity for improving their standard of living. You should modernize. It would be wrong for you to Westernize. You retain your culture, yet you establish a respectful communication with your trading partners.
