Review of the textbooks of vocational institutes [Archives:2008/1130/Education]
Dr Ayid Sharyan
(Associate Professor)
Department of English,
Faculty of Education, Sana'a University, Sana'a
[email protected]
Under the auspices of the Ministry of Technical Education & Vocational Training (MTEVT) 12 committees (of 52 reviewers) were constituted from the technical and vocational institutes (TVI), Sana'a University and the MTEVT to evaluate, revise and develop the requirement and supporting courses in the TVI. With a view to sensitizing the members about the latest developments in the field of evaluation, a workshop was organized from 7 to 18 November 2007 in the premises of the MTEVT. The workshop was inaugurated by the Minister of MTEVT Dr Omar Hujari who spelt out the broad framework and the guiding principles for reviewing the current TVI textbooks followed in: Islamic Education, Arabic, Social Issues, Mathematics for Industry, Mathematics for Veterinary and Agriculture, Mathematics for Commerce, Physics for Industry, Chemistry for industry, English for Industry, English for Commerce, English for Veterinary, and English for Agriculture. These courses are offered for Technical Education (2 years after the high secondary schools) and Vocational Training (3 years after 9th grade).
The Curriculum and Continuous Education Department at MTEVT aims at developing curricula to improve the level of TVI. The General Administration of Curriculums and Teaching Aids are trying to assess how well the aims set for TEVT are appropriate and develop TEVT teaching and learning materials on the basis of this evaluation.
The team led by Dr Ayid Sharyan from the Faculty of Education, Sana'a University looked at textbooks for year 1, 2 and 3 for Veterinary Institutes. The members of the team comprised the following:1) Faez Al-Absi, a teacher at Veterinary Institute, Sana'a; 2) Wadah al-Humaidi from the Women's Training Institute at Sana'a; 3) Hind Saleem from Vocational Institute of Marine Life at Aden; 4) Farooq Ali from the MTEVT.
The team began by meeting the students, teachers and administrators at the Veterinary Institute (VI), Sana'a. The VI (established in 1982 by the Ministry of Education) is the only one of its kind in Yemen. In 1993 when the General Board for the Educational Training was established, VI became more broad-based. Since MTEVT was established in 2000, it has expanded to include about 230 students who specialize in food technology, animals production, agricultural and veterinary studies with about 60 staff members (about 10 of them in the Veterinary Section). In addition to the labs, the large area of the VI provides enough space for training, growing plants for the livestock, and nurturing the honey hives.
VI aims at graduating technicians and skilled workers to meet the requirements of the local market (and to some extent the neighboring market) from the technicians, craftsmen or draftspersons. To encourage skillful workers the VI provides free accommodation.
However, the students do not show a high level of motivation due to the low social esteem they enjoy, dismal job prospects and limited scope for higher education. Teachers believe that there is no coordination with the labor market and the partners concerned, e.g. related ministries, private and public sectors, neighboring market to absorb the graduates. If, however, tangible measures are taken, this can help them to boost their self image. Such a solution can attract female students (now there are no female students enrolled in the institute) to this discipline. Because of the lack of survey studies, students have no other option than to speculate the demands of the job market and accordingly they choose areas of specialization. They want to be properly guided to specialize in fields that are needed by the market.
Teachers are of the view that the English curriculuum for Veterinary section should be updated. It uses old vocabulary and lacks attraction for students. They urge upon the authorities to revise and update the courses by including teaching materials on par with the students of the same level in other streams. They would like to get exposure to modern teaching technology, innovative teaching materials and aids, e.g. CDs.
On the basis of the views of students, teachers and administration the team draws their conclusions, makes its recommendations to the ministry and reports to the General Administration of Curriculums and Teaching Aids in MTEVT to incorporate these while editing the teaching materials.