Reviewing childhood laws for better future for children [Archives:2005/845/Local News]
Under a slogan “For a safer future for children” the Higher Council for Motherhood and Childhood along with UNICEF held on Tuesday 17 May a workshop to review the laws related to children.
The aim of the workshop was to hear the different points of view of specialists, who work on the field, about the legislative framework in order to provide as much as legislative protection for children in general and the children who live in difficult situations particularly.
The process of reviewing the national laws related to children has passed in various stages. It started by forming a committee of legal people from the specialist bodies with cooperation of experienced national and international legal experts to come up with better visions that fit with the current situation and can provide much more protection and a safer environment for Yemeni children.
Abdu Mohammed AL-Hakimi, the deputy of minister of social affairs and labor, commented “The aim of the workshop to review the childhood laws and come up with laws that should meet the international conventions that Yemen has ratified as well as unified childhood laws here in Yemen. In fact