Round Table on Water Management in Yemen- [Archives:1999/37/Local News]
Organized by the World Bank’s Global Water Unit and the Bank’s Operations Evaluation Department, in conjunction with the MENA region, had a two-day round table on water management in Yemen called, “The Role of the World Bank”. It started yesterday in Sana’a to evaluate the implementation of its 1993 Water Resources Management Policy, in order to formulate a new Water Sector Strategy in 2000. As part of this endeavor, the bank is undertaking focus country studies in each of the bank’s six regions. Yemen has been selected as the focus country study for the Mideast and North Africa region. The workshop will present an opportunity for stockholders from Yemen to informally critique and provide feedback on the World Bank’s Water Resources Program. Other stockholders from the region were also invited to present their views on the bank’s role in their countries. Donors were also invited.