Sana’a Congregation States to meet in Addis Ababa [Archives:2006/994/Local News]
SANA'A, Oct. 29 ) The Yemen-Ethiopian Joint Committee is due to hold a summit in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa in the final days of December.
The meeting will be chaired by the two countries foreign ministers in order to discuss creating more cooperation between the two countries.
The committee indicated the meeting is expected to discuss the necessary arrangements for establishing the Free Trade Zone between Sana'a Congregation States in light of decisions reached by Aden Summit.
The meeting is to set mechanisms for enhancing security coordination to fight terrorism and trafficking operations across borders. The Yemen-Ethiopian Joint Committee said the discussions will concentrate on implementing decisions reached by Sana'a Congregation Countries Summit in political, economic and security areas.
The committee noted the discussions plan to include other areas related with forming a permanent secretary for Sana'a Congregation to be in charge of following up agreements and protocols of cooperation between Sana'a Congregation member states.
According to the committee, the meeting participants plan to prepare an effective plan to enhance cooperation of both political leaderships, which are aimed at improving ties and achieving an economic partnership between the two countries.
Sources mentioned that foreign ministers of Sana'a Congregation States are due to meet in preparation for the summit.
The same sources said leaders of Sana'a Congregation States will discuss many files relating to enhancing partnerships between the congregation member states.