Sana’a Hosts Kuwaiti Cultural Week [Archives:2001/33/Culture]
August 13 2001
Saleh Abdulbaqi Cultural Editor Yemen Times
Last week, the Minister of Culture inaugurated the Kuwaiti Cultural Week (KCW) in Sana’a. It was co-sponsored by Culture Ministry and the National Council for Culture, Art and Literature in Kuwait. The ceremony was held at the Cultural Center Hall in Sana’a. It was attended by head of the Kuwaiti delegation and Yemeni foreign minister Dr. Abu Bakr Al-Kerbi, Ahmad Al-Qadhi, the Kuwaiti Ambassador to Yemen, Arab and foreign diplomats, men of letters and a host of intellectuals. In his opening speech Minister of Culture Dr. Al-Rowhani welcomed the attendants and the participants. In his speech he indicated the importance of holding such activities which could develop the two countries relations and represent a cultural and creative aspect. Such activities have come after improvement of relations under the two wise leaderships. Al-Rowhani adds that the culture revives the strong relations and strengthens the amicable ties of the two countries. Holding such activities can be considered to be one of the significant aspects to mold an Arab culture. The Kuwaiti cultural experience and its selection to be the capital of the Arab Culture in 2001 deserved to be an example in this meeting in culture and the limitless literary productions. In conclusion, he hoped that the participants will sit under the same roof and make use of each others’ literary works in an attempt to establish a joint Yemeni-Kuwaiti literary works. Then the General Secretary of the National Council of Culture, Arts and Literature Dr. Mohammed Ghanem Al-Rumaihi delivered a speech in which he conveyed regards and the best wishes of His Excellency, the prince of the State of Kuwait, Gabir Al-Ahmad, and the His Excellency, the Prime Minister and the Government of Kuwait and its people on this occasion. In his speech Al-Rumaihi concentrates on the significance of the culture in the world of technology and information revolution particularly in the era of globalization. Thus, Al-Rumaihi expressed his gratitude of the worm welcome and hospitable reception in their second country, Yemen. After that, the National Kuwaiti team for music performed pieces of music and a number of wonderful Kuwaiti songs which reflects the originality of the Kuwaiti songs.