Sana’a University suspends security head [Archives:2008/1120/Local News]

January 14 2008

Almigdad Dahesh Mojalli
SANA'A, Jan. 13 ) Sana'a University agreed with the General Union of Yemeni Students to suspend security guard head Col. Ahmed Khosrouf, and his officers from their work on Saturday.

According to the student union head, this is the first time in the history of the university and the union that a high-ranking officer at the university was suspended. It is also the first time in which a civil committee investigated security administration.

According to a statement by the union, the suspension came after a sit-in by teachers and students at the yard of the Faculty of Arts last Saturday, protesting the attack of two students at the faculty by security three times.

In addition, the university president agreed to prepare a way for replacing military security with civil security personnel. However, this has yet to be endorsed by the Ministry of the Interior. Furthermore, the rector of Sana'a University promised that security authorities will not interfere in the work in the investigative committee that was formed to investigate the attacks against Jamil and Murad Subaie. Moreover, the union agreed with the university to add Abdulhakeem Nour Al-Deen to the investigative committee as a representative of the teachers syndicate. As a result, the union decided to reopen its work in the investigative committee after suspending Khasrouf and his officers.

According to Jamil Subaie, he and his brother were exposed to security attacks on three occasions. The first was on October 30, when he was taking a questionnaire from a female classmate. “One of the security guards came to me and started cursing me, though I was talking to her in front of many people. Then he threw a bottle at me and took his pistol, threatening to murder me,” Jamil explained.

The second attack took place on Dec. 12, when Khasrouf and other officers beat Jamil and his brother Murad under the pretext that Murad's hair was long; Jamil claimed that “they wanted to give him a hair cut.”

The third attack occurred on Jan. 5 when security guards prevented Jamil's sister from entering the faculty to submit his CV, and tried to beat her.

The investigative committee formed Jamil and Murad were attacked for the third time is composed of the vice rector of the university for student affairs, the general manager of legal affairs at the university, the head and general secretary of the Students' Union, the vice dean of student affairs at the Arts Faculty and a representative from the University Teachers Syndicate.