Sana’a Zoo: Educating the public on animal rights [Archives:2007/1069/Reportage]

July 19 2007
Marjio looks at lions enclosures.PHOTO BY: FATIMA AL-AJEL
Marjio looks at lions enclosures.PHOTO BY: FATIMA AL-AJEL
This pool cost millions of rials but do the crocodiles feel comfortable?<br>PHOTO BY: FATIMA AL-AJEL’/><figcaption>This pool cost millions of rials but do the crocodiles feel comfortable?<br>PHOTO BY: FATIMA AL-AJEL</figcaption></figure></div></td></tr><tr><td><div class="wp-block-image"><figure class=This keeper tries to attract the attention of the lioness using a stick.<br>PHOTO BY: FATIMA AL-AJEL’/><figcaption>This keeper tries to attract the attention of the lioness using a stick.<br>PHOTO BY: FATIMA AL-AJEL</figcaption></figure></div></td></tr><tr><td><div class="wp-block-image"><figure class=The zoo contains over 300 animals, and is open daily from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m<br>PHOTO BY: FATIMA AL-AJEL .’/><figcaption>The zoo contains over 300 animals, and is open daily from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m<br>PHOTO BY: FATIMA AL-AJEL .</figcaption></figure></div></td></tr></table><b><i>By: Amel Al-Ariqi<br> </i></b><br>A group of honey badgers put on an unusual show for onlookers this past Saturday at the Sana'a zoo. Four honey badgers began climbing a small tree and spinning in a small wheel located in their cage, attracting the attention of visitors who, upon witnessing such behavior, began clapping and whistling. Dutch zoologist Marjio Hoedemaker revealed that it was the zoo owner's idea to place a wheel and small tree inside the honey badger cage. He clarified, “The honey badger is an active animal. It likes moving, climbing, and digging. So I put simple natural materials, such as trees, sand and rabbit excrement beside the wheel in an attempt to copy their natural environment. Such environment will motivate them to behave naturally.” <br><br>Hoedemaker's aesthetic touch can be found not only amongst the honey badgers, but also within cages featuring jackals, birds, turtles, and crocodiles. He utilized natural materials available in the zoo, such as sand, stones, tree branches, and natural odors. “My aim is to make the animals feel comfortable in the zoo, and then they can behave naturally. The natural behavior of the animals will attract the attention of visitors who, in return, will learn about animal wildlife in a fun way,” Hoedemaker commented. <br><br><br><br>Further improvement for the Zoo <br><br>Hoedemaker's visit to Sana'a Zoo was arranged by the Animal Welfare and Conservation Association, which recently was established under the auspices of the Netherlands embassy in Sana'a. Members of the association made many visits to the zoo before Hoedemaker's arrival, the aim of these visits being to evaluate the zoo's needs. <br><br>Linda Olyhoeck and Laurens Jacobs are two members of the association who believe that Sana'a zoo needs more improvement and development. Such improvement will positively affect the livelihood of animals housed at the zoo. “Animals do not talk, so many people think that animals have no emotions or intellect, but the fact is animals are smart creatures that can teach human beings many things,” said Olyhoeck, emphasizing the right of animals to live in a healthy, natural environment within the zoo. She further stated that zoo animals need adequate assistance in adapting to life in captivity. <br><br>The zoo is divided into a number of sections, including those for predators, reptiles, birds of prey, domestic birds and monkeys. A wide range of herbivorous, carnivorous and omnivorous animals can be seen, including wolves, foxes, ostriches, squirrels, honey badgers, mongooses, larks and cobras. <br><br>The zoo also features endangered species specific to Yemen, including the Yemeni ibex and tiger. There are also certain types of falcons and gazelles, which are susceptible to extinction. The zoo aims to provide the proper conditions so that such animals can reproduce.<br><br><br><br>Improper design causes problem     <br><br>Sana'a zoo opened in 1999 at a cost of 100 million Yemeni riyals  (US$735,000), considered cheap by international standards.  The zoo is located in Darselm, about 15 km from the city centre, in a flat area of rocky desert spanning 5.78 hectares. The direct authority supervising the zoo is the municipality office.<br><br>A great locale does not make up for inadequate design. “Unfortunately the architects who were involved in designing the animals' shelters, took the designs from the internet. They ignored our advice,” Sana'a zoo manager Fuad Al-Sidl stated. Sidl specifically referenced the bird shelters, tiger enclosures, and crocodile pools, which cost millions of Yemeni riyals, yet do not meet the needs of the animals. <br><br>The zoo veterinarian, Dr. Ameen Al-Qubati, agreed with the zoo manager stating, “Tigers are wild animals walking many kilometers in wildlife, but they were sized in a small cage which is against their nature. Birds were placed [in enclosures] without trees, which makes their ability to fly difficult.” Referring to the negative side of holding the animals in such restrictive shelters, Al-Qubati added, “Animals become nervous when not interacting with the outside. Some go mad because they cannot adapt to their new environment in captivity. Some, like jackals, kill their babies. So, it is vital to understand the nature of these animals to make them comfortable.” <br><br>During their visit, Marjio Hoedemaker, Linda Olyhoeck and Laurens Jacobs met Mayor Yahia Al-Shubi and discussed restructuring some of the animal shelters. “We gave him some suggestions regarding expanding the enclosures of some animals, like the jackals, and providing more natural space for lions and leopards inside the zoo. We hope such recommitting will be taken into consideration,” Hoedemaker stated. <br><br>Additionally, Dr. Al-Qubati pointed out, “The wrong conception was implemented in the past regarding feeding the zoo animals,” giving an example of wild animals, such as lions and tigers being provided daily with donkey meat. “Such a heavy meal made these animals fat, lazy and inactive” he said, adding, “Now we have learned that these animals should not eat such a heavy meal every day. Now they are eating a variety of food following a certain schedule that makes them healthy and comfortable.” <br><br>The zoo spends two million Yemeni riyals (US$6,369) per month for food. Predators are fed the meat of chickens, cows and goats. In addition, the zoo is now breeding enough rabbits, mice, and chicks to feed the zoo's carnivores, abating a quarter of food expenses. The rest of the animals are given vegetables, fruit and grains as well as honey.<br><br><br><br>Educating visitors <br><br>The zoo, which contains over 300 animals, is open daily from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. On Fridays (the weekly day off) there have been over 10,000 visitors, on other days up to 2,000. The absence of places for public amusement and recreation in Sana'a has made the zoo a popular spot for a great family day out. As a result of the daily crowds, the zoo is more than covering its costs solely through entrance fees, an unusually modest 50 Yemeni riyals. <br><br>Not all visitors are aware of wildlife and conservation issues. Hoedemaker, who has worked in more than 600 zoos around the world, noticed that many Yemeni visitors are very hostile towards zoo animals. “They sometimes spit on the animals,” he angrily stated, adding that such aggressive behavior makes animals anxious and nervous. “I think Yemenis look at animals only from two perspectives: either for food or as objects to be used in work. They have little information about these animals and the wildlife,” Hoedemaker commented, stressing that protecting animals is the responsibility of zoo management and should be taken seriously.<br><br>The zoo does not have any signs directing visitors on how to deal with animals, including behavior they should avoid when in close proximity to animal cages. “Some visitors want to watch animals moving. They don't like watching sleeping animals so they may approach the enclosures trying to touch the animal. Sometimes they hit animals with a stick to wake them up, forcing them to move or make noise,” Al-Qubati stated.<br><br>The zoo manager further revealed that putting up signs is not always useful due to the fact that many Yemenis do not read or write. He plans to compensate for this by including pictures on the signs.<br><br><br><br>Animals for show <br><br>During the 1990s, a small private zoo was established beside the cinema in Sana'a. Called the “Animals Tahreer Zoo,” it featured leopards, hyenas, baboons, eagles, and snakes, all of which were packed into small cages for show or sell. People were willing to pay money to see these animals perform. After banning such activities, many of these animals were put in the zoo. <br><br>However, people's desire to watch animals put on a show did not cease, leading some visitors to pay zoo keepers to force animals to perform in front of an audience. Such actions gained the attention of animal rights activists, who criticized the use of animals for human entertainment.<br><br>Although the zoo management prevents visitors from paying money to zookeepers, it still faces the challenge of educating the public about animals while at the same time attracting more visitors to the zoo to increase zoo revenue. <br><br>“We are studying the methods and means which make the zoo able to educate people and increase their awareness on wildlife and conservation issues, without exposing these animals to mistreatment. We have many future plans to improve the zoo to meet internationals standards. We really want to make the zoo a place where people experience fun, education, and become more involved in animal rights issues. Every thing is possible to achieve if we have an open mind and an open heart,” Al-Qubati concluded.<br />——<br />[archive-e:1069-v:15-y:2007-d:2007-07-19-p:report]							</div>
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