Script your success storyEffective communication and interpersonal skills [Archives:2007/1030/Education]

March 5 2007

Anupma Tripathi
MBA, LLM, Sana'a
[email protected]

A number of communication related behaviors have been identified by researchers, most of which are inherited e. g. sociability, public speaking, assertiveness etc. Others are genetic predispositions, such as communication apprehension. The notion behind these alternative approaches is that, genetics may predispose a person to certain traits, but environment factors increase or reduce the development of these traits.

Every day of our life we find ourselves in hundreds of situations requiring communication- all these situations are called contexts of communication. A context or situation is a specific type of environment that produces specific requirements for successful communication. Some of the typical communication contexts are: interpersonal communication, public communication, group communication, and communication in career settings. Communication is always carried out with a purpose. We acquire the skills of communication so that we can convey our messages appropriately. The four important components of effective communication are: (i) rate: this refers to the tempo of speech, too fast or too slow (ii) pitch: this refers to the range of voice- too high or too low (iii) volume: a good volume is one which can be comfortably heard by the listener (iv) appropriateness: speech delivery must be tailored for the speaking occasion. Communication can be effective only when it is appropriate.

The inability to communicate effectively can create conflict and also impede its effective management. There should be a common experience between two or more persons for an effective communication.

The salient features and essentials of good communication are as follows:

1. Clarify ideas before communicating: the more systematically a message is analyzed, the more clearly it can be communicated.

2. Examine the true purposes of communication: the person has to determine the objective of the communication.

3. Take the entire environment, physical and human into consideration: the physical setting, the social climate, and past communication practices should be examined in adapting the message to the environment.

4. Beware of the overtones as well as the basic content of the message: voice, tone, facial expression, and choice of language, all influence the listener's reaction to the communique.

5. When possible convey useful information: people remember things that are beneficial to them.

6. Follow up on Communication: one must solicit feedback in ascertaining whether the other person understands the communique.

7. Communicate with the future as well as the present in mind: most communications are designed to meet the demands of the current situation. However, they should be in accord with the long range goals as well.

8. Support words with deeds: don't contradict yourself by saying one thing and doing another.

9. Consult: consulting with others can be a useful method of obtaining additional insights.

10. Be a good listener: by concentrating on the speaker's explicit and implicit meanings one can better understand what is being said.

The Interpersonal Effectiveness is for individuals wanting and willing to learn how to apply interpersonal skills to modify aversive environments and to obtain their goals in interpersonal encounters. Following behaviors are helpful to increase interpersonal skills in an individual:-

– Standing up for your rights in such a way that they are taken seriously.

– Requesting others to do something in such a way as they want to.

– Refusing unwanted or unreasonable requests (learning to say no).

– Balancing immediate goals with that of long-term goals.

– Respecting your own values and beliefs.

– Acting in competent ways

– Keeping commitments

– Listening effectively

– Golden Rule: – treating others, as you want to be treated.

Hence, interpersonal communication is all about satisfying you, when you manage to satisfy your needs. An understanding of interpersonal communication and needs is essential, not only in facilitating your insights into group processes, but in helping you predict the situations that will be more or less satisfying and productive for you.