Security Business in Yemen [Archives:2001/24/Focus]

June 11 2001

By: Mohamed Ali Alansi
[email protected]

Within the security profession it is known that Yemen represents a real challenge. This fact introduces the need for competent security specialists.
The security in Yemen is highly affected by the social structure. Yet the main reason for the deteriorated security situation remains the lack of enough competent security specialists to administer and plan for the improvement of security in Yemen.
The main reservation against any security authority, worldwide, is that they aim at providing enough security measures so they are not blamed or held responsible if a security catastrophe occurs. This is why the security of the private business should extend the concept of “enough security measures” to become “enough security”.
With no intention to criticize the Yemeni local authorities, the following are some factors that should be realized by any person who works in the investments and large business security in Yemen:
1.On average, as declared officially, there are two pieces of weapons, or more for every person inside Yemen, in confluence of acute difficulty in controlling the use of those weapons.
2.The Yemeni culture is unique in its tribal bonds and rules of affiliation. Unfortunately, this unique relationship is abused or misused by some outlaws.
3.With respect to the efforts by the local security authorities to take steps towards improvement, there is a clear difficulty to speed up the response to security violations especially in rural areas.
4.Even though, there is a number of up-to-standard security officers in Yemen, the majority are amateurs.
5.There is no analysis system in place to record the history of all the incidents for utilization in order to come up with sufficient preventive measures.
The security section in the private business should be able to fill the gaps. Always keeping in mind the following security rule of thumb:
(If you face tall security incidents perfectly, then you haven’t done enough.
What is enough is prevent any incident from happening)..
(If you take all the security precautions, then you haven’t done enough.
What is enough is to keep the business secured)..
Next issue: Duties of security staff in the Yemeni private security. Those interested are more than welcome to send their comments, views or questions to email: [email protected]
