Sheikh Abdullah Sa’atar to YT:  “Islam forbids shedding blood and there are clear-cut Qura’anic verses that emphasize this. Islam also spared the lives of non-Muslims.” [Archives:2001/10/Interview]

March 5 2001

Sheikh Abdullah Sa’atar, member of the Supreme Authority of Yemeni Congregation for Reform Party “Islah”, member of Shura Council before the unity, ex-member of Parliament, is considered one of the most active activists of Islah. He is highly respected by most of the people. He is the preacher of Islah mosque in Bab al-Yemen. He is very open, eloquent and convincing type person. He has a strong impression on the people and tends to address the mind before the heart. He is against fanaticism and is moderate in his approach. 
Bassam Jamil of the Yemen Times conducted an interview with him, discussing a wide-range of issues and filed the following report: 
Q: Could you please shed some light on the reasons why you have left your career as an engineer and adopted preaching? 
A: Many people think that a religious person should not be a specialist in modern sciences. This is a far wrong attitude. Religion is what regulates people, their behavior, their dealings, etc. So all the people including doctors, engineers…etc, need it to regulate their activities and cultivate their manners to become faithful in whatever they do. Therefore, engineering or medicine are part of the religion unless there is a holy text forbidding that. What we should not approach is the thing that is banned and prohibited in our religion. God has referred to Thu Alkarnain who used to work in metals and said ” Give me pieces (blocks) of iron;” then when he had filled up the gap between the two mountain-cliffs he said: “Blow;” then when he had made them (red as) fire he said: “bring me molten copper to pour over them.” 
God has asked us to work on the earth. God says “He it is Who has made the earth subservient to you (i.e. easy for you to walk, to live and to do agriculture on it); so walk on the path thereof and eat of His provision. And to Him will be the Resurrection.”When I joined al-Shura Council I reduced my activities in my field of specialization. Then I was an MP and moved in to preaching field. I found myself forced to leave my job in the capital secretariat as Planning, Researches and statistics general manager. 
Q: Many preachers could achieve many projects as a result of their preaching. For instance, Sheikh Abdulmajeed al-Zandani could establish the Qura’an Miraculous Nature Center in Saudi Arabia. He could also establish and become the head of al-Shura Council of Islah and al-Emman University. What do you want to achieve through your preaching career? 
A: Establishing religious centers and charitable societies is the result of commendable efforts exerted by good people. Some take the initiative in doing and establishing something which will be of great benefit for the people. Others come to complete what they have started. For example, sheikh al-Zandani took the initiative in establishing the Qura’an Miraculous Nature Center which requires other people to continue what he has started. 
I feel that I am skilled in the preaching field more than other fields. Scientific research centers and charitable societies are in need of specialists. The whole country is in need of any competent cadre so as to lead the institutions of the country. Otherwise we will need to bring qualified people from abroad. I work in the field of preaching to qualify and encourage people to join these centers and universities. 
If knowledge is focused on towns, it will be restricted for the rich and those who are able to buy it which is a big catastrophe and will give rise to two classes one is educated and the other is suppressed and down-trodden. 
For me I feel that I have gained in popularity due to the efforts of others. For example, I am a member in the Administrative Authority of Islah Charitable Society which is very famous. Therefore, those who work in it become famous. I am also a member in the Supreme Authority of Yemeni Congregation for Reform Party. Therefore my name is well-known to all because of them. However, there are hundreds of thousands of people who work in the field and are the reason behind this fame. So we have been given more than what we deserve. 
Q: What are the obstacles facing Islamic movements to rule? 
A: There are many internal and external obstacles facing Islamic movements to take power. Of the external obstacles is the attitude of westerners towards Islam. They view it as terrorism, deterioration, backwardness and fanaticism. This attitude and view has made them behave against Islam. Whenever there is an Islamic movement they come to destroy it. They also come to spread false reports and claims about these Islamic movements which have made people stand against religious men. Religious men have become terrorists, backward and extremists. Of course, this has nothing to do with reality. If the west views that Islam applies violence, they seem not to be aware of so many Qura’anic verses that ask Muslims to apply peace and shun violence. 
Islam has forbidden shedding blood and there are clear-cut Qura’anic verses that stress this. Islam has also spared the lives of non-Muslims. Those who harm them will receive God’s anger. Islam has stressed this in many situations. 
Westerners take the view that Islam confiscates rights and freedoms. I do not know how they came at this conclusion. It must be the report of an evil and wicked person who is against Islam. Islamic movements have never been given the chance to participate in the rule. For instance when Islamic movements won the elections in Algeria with the majority of about 90% they were suppressed and sent to prisons instead of assuming power. This has never happened through the history but happens during the modern democratic age which they talk about. It is actually a dangerous situation as this is a violation and confiscation of rights and freedoms. This is, as a matter of fact, terrorism in the very meaning of the word. 
If a religious person is to introduce his name for candidacy, he has to take into consideration that he may be arrested, killed, or suppressed. Where are the rights they are talking about? 
What is the fault of Najm al-Din Arbakan, the former Prime Minister and the man of industry in Turkey to be suppressed and have his party dissolved? Islamic movements do not want to take power by force or through killing. Rather they try the peaceful means. What is reported nowadays that Islamic movements are not aware of the time we are in is not at all true. It is so because Islamic movements comprise doctors, academics, and rare scientific experts. Most of those religious figures who were expelled from Egypt, Syria, Tunisia …etc, are now great professors in the US, UK or French universities. 
To be continued next issue…. 
