Smuggled Products… Where to? [Archives:2001/38/Business & Economy]

September 17 2001

Nowadays the international markets have become an open market to exchange products and goods among their markets. Within the framework of the market economy. It is necessary to supervise the market products closely. As a result of the global changes in technology and information, the advanced counties with its huge economy controlled the international markets and seeking to flow its products to the third world countries markets. This in turn greatly affects our local products. Smuggling and the random access of products to our markets legally or legally has become a habit in our markets. Our markets are abounded with the imported foreign products and goods. It is true that we couldn’t change the international and trade agreements with governments, but we have the right to protect our children from these smuggled and expired products. Nowadays we are in dire need to issue laws which ensure and organize our markets as the other international markets do. We have to renew and reorganize the national mechanisms of the products in order to compete with other markets.

Consumer, Local product and International economy
We are in dire need to discuss the issues undergone by different social and economic sectors. The question which poses itself what is the role of played by the concerned bodies. As a matter of fact, what we see is that the non-governmental organization does better than the official bodies.
There is a confusion between the foreign trade and smuggling. Specialists in the economy says that one of the aspects of globalism is the trade exchange among the countries of the world. The countries can be divided into two countries:
Weak countries, these countries are characterized by the trade surplus capacity and huge productions of its markets.
Strong countries, these countries are the countries which has low production and couldn’t compete with other countries. They are called consuming countries.
It is true that around ( 100 – 200) tones of insecticides are smuggled and entered to our country illegally. Majority of these insecticides are used randomly and unscrupulously by the farmers.
The Secretary General of the Yemeni Manufacturer Association says that a number of companies depends on flooding the products into the markets. These in turn will affect on the local products. He added that the smuggled products could affect the trade balance of the imported and exported countries and Yemen is among of these countries.
