Social Fund goes to 1,037 projects [Archives:2005/816/Business & Economy]

February 14 2005

The Social Fund for Development says their 2005 work plan will entail 1,037 projects at a cost of US $80 million, and will target the social safety network, and small enterprises.

The projects are comprised of 174 organizational training and support programs, costing US $2.8 million, and 33 small enterprise projects, costing US $3.2 million.

There will be 454 education projects costing US $41.6 million, 149 water and environment projects at US$12.472 million.

The plan also allocated US$11.2 million for executing projects in the social protection unit – the entire intervention, the health, and those of special needs also.

The cultural heritage unit the rural highways includes the execution of 76 projects with value of US $ 8.8 million split up into 41 highways sector projects with value of US $ 5.2 million, and 31 projects in cultural heritage at a value of US$3.5 million.

The fund in the last year worked on 1118 projects at a value of US $79.3 million, 969 of which were executed.