Some believe that a rebirth of a Taliban-like organization is being witnessed:Islamic Caliphate recalled [Archives:2003/685/Front Page]
Sanaa, November 11 – Amid slogans calling for the return of the Islamic Caliphate to the Arab and Muslim world, hundreds of scholars, sheikhs, and interested persons attended the conference organized by a political entity calling itself Hizbut-Tahreer ‘Liberation Party’ in Sana’a last Tuesday.
Organizers were able to gather many people from different sectors of the community, including prominent scholars such as Judge Abdulwahhab Al-Hitar, who attended the conference that called for the removal of current regimes and establishment of an Islamic Caliphate, which is believed by the organizers to be the ‘sole and only cure for the Umma’.
During the conference, a taped lecture was given by Sheikh Atta Abu Al-Rushta, the Emir of the Hizbut-Tahreer, who took over the post from Abu Yusuf Al-Shaikh, and Abdulquddoos Zalloom, who are staying in Palestinian occupied territories.
The lecture called for ‘the liberation of Muslim nations from the current oppressive Arab regimes and replacing them by a just Islamic Caliphate’.
The lecture blamed the current regimes for the deteriorated conditions of Muslims in Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan. Kashmir, and Chechnya and called upon Muslims throughout the world to exert extra efforts during the month of Ramadan.
Yemen representation to be formalized
On the other hand Dr. Abdullah ba Dheeb, a representative of the party in ‘the state of Yemen’ told Yemen Times that the party will work on raising awareness among the public about the idea of reviving the Islamic Caliphate. “We are mobilizing the idea of the party and soon will have an official representation in the state of Yemen and from thereafter apply the state system to various governorates” he said.
Ba Dheeb said that security authorities had launched a massive arrest campaign against members of the party last years, and he himself was just released from a prison in Mukalla last week.
Attendence not as expected
The attendance to the conference was less than expected. Except for Al-Hitar, none of the influential Islamic figures or other politicians from the opposition or the government attended the conference. Most of the attendees who were present at the conference were youngsters, who expressed their interest in the idea of the conference, and showed eagerness to promote the party’s cause.
It was also concluded that despite the fact that the party is not legalized through the government’s licensing system, it was still given some margin of freedom to operate in the country and launch its activities, which are expected to continue in the months and years to come.
Mission non-violent
Ba Dheeb said that the mission of the Hizbut-Tahreer, which has not been a licensed party by the government and never applied for one, comprises of Jihad and intellectual efforts based on financial and human assets available in different Islamic states. “We do not call for violence, but rather for intellectual movements to promote Islam,” he clarified.
The aim of Hizbut-Tahreer as mentioned in their web site ( is to “resume the Islamic way of life and to convey the Islamic da’wah to the world. This objective means bringing the Muslims back to living an Islamic way of life in Dar al-Islam and in an Islamic society such that all of life’s affairs in society are administered according to the Shari’ah rules, and the viewpoint in it is the halal and the haram under the shade of the Islamic State, which is the Khilafah State. That state is the one in which Muslims appoint a Khaleefah and give him the bay’ah to listen and obey on condition that he rules according to the Book of Allah (swt) and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (saw) and on condition that he conveys Islam as a message to the world through da’wah and jihad.
The Party, as well, aims at the correct revival of the Ummah through enlightened thought. It also strives to bring her back to her previous might and glory such that she wrests the reins of initiative away from other states and nations, and returns to her rightful place as the first state in the world, as she was in the past, when she governs the world according to the laws of Islam.
It also aims to bring back the Islamic guidance for mankind and to lead the Ummah into a struggle with Kufr, its systems and its thoughts so that Islam encapsulates the world.”