Sport Associations Are Mere Names [Archives:1998/50/Sports]

December 14 1998

Jamal Al-Awadhi, 
Sports Editor 
It is a well-known fact that sport associations are formed when there are certain founding bases for some sport games. Therefore, sport associations for football, volleyball, tennis, etc, were formed in Yemen. 
It is funny, though, that some sport associations in Yemen were formed without any reference. The Handball Association, for example, was formed in the early 1990s when there were no handball players, coaches, or even fields. Very few athletes in Yemen knew about handball then. The association was formed only because there were international associations for that game. 
In other countries, it goes differently. In Egypt, for example, thousands of Kung Fu athletes were willing to form their Kung Fu association, though it was not an Olympic game. 
There are a lot of names for sport associations in Yemen. We have, for example, Boxing, Tennis and Swimming associations although some of these sports are not very popular in Yemen. 
Despite of this fact, Ministry of Sports officials do not seem to find any solutions for this problem. The result is shameful performances by our teams in international sports events. 
In short, is that the money allocated for such useless sports associations must be given to other active associations in order to support them more. It’s better, in my opinion, to be perfect in one game than not to succeed in any. 
