Sports Democracy During ELFT Draw [Archives:1997/42/Sports]

October 20 1997

Representatives from all football clubs – to take part in the Excellent League Football Tournament (ELFT) – attended a special gathering, headed by the Minister of Youths and Sport, Dr. Abdulwahab Rawih. A draw of lots was made to choose the clubs that are going to play against each other. The tournament’s special charter was also discussed. Upon the request of the clubs’ representatives, the Minister of Youth and Sports raised the daily food allowance, for each player in a visiting team, from the proposed YR 300 to Yr 500. Representatives of the Ahli of Sanaa, Zohra, and Ahli of Hodeida demanded the omission of Article 65 of the charter proposed by the Yemeni Football Association. The disputed article stipulates that the Association has the right to take any measures it sees fit in the cases that are not mentioned in the charter. The heated debate that ensued led to and amendment of Article 65 whereby the provision “under the supervision of the Ministry of Youth and Sports” was added. Before the draw of lots, a suggestion was made by the clubs to limit the number of tournament matches to two a week. The suggestion was put to the vote, and got the acceptance of all the clubs except Shamsan. After a 2-hour discussion, the draw was conducted where every representative was called up to draw a number representing a single club. The result of the draw are as follows:

Time Shaab (Ibb) vs. Ahli (Sanaa 23-10-97 Sanaa 3:30 PM Wahda (Sanaa) vs. Shula 24-10-97 Sanaa 3:30 PM Shamsan vs. Ittihad (Ibb) 24-10-97 Ibb 3:30 PM Tilal vs. Shaab (Mukalla) 24-10-97 Aden 4:00 PM Ahli (Hodeidah) vs. ZohrA 24-10-97 Hodeidah 4:00 PM Hassan vs. Taleea (Taiz) 24-10-97 Abyan 4:00 PM
