State authority for land and survey,Campaign in assisting goals of millennium development in Yemen [Archives:2005/876/Business & Economy]

September 12 2005

A campaign for protection and support for development objectives of the millennium and creation of awareness among the public on the importance of implementing them was embarked on in Sana'a in order to attain a country free from poverty, diseases and illiteracy by the year 2015.

The minister of Human Rights Amat Al-Aleem Souswa said during the inauguration party and show of the documentary film and posters about the campaign elucidated the development aims of the millennium organized by the Un Information Center in Sana'a. She said the realization of the goals would need from all the creation of essential changes in action and word, adding that the responsibility of achieving them is on the shoulders of the state and media, educational, guiding and all civil society organizations in Yemen.

She also singled the importance of the role of those institutions as lying in preparation of the general climate in favor of development, because that would concentrate the public attention on goals of the development.

On his part, undersecretary of planning and international cooperation, Dr Mutahar al-Abbasi confirmed the government's keenness on interaction with international and regional initiatives in this regard, in the forefront of such is the initiative of the millennium summit that was held in New York late 2000 and came out with a world declaration on aims of the millennium.

That declaration was signed by the Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh while attending the conference. Mr. al-Abbasi said the government viewed that the goals were the core of local development and the guiding framework depended upon in working out the third five-yea plan and alleviation of poverty. He also affirmed that attaining those aims would require the provision of many material and human needs in order to create a compatible economic and developmental renascence.

Ms Deena Assaf, acting resident representative of the UN development Program has pointed out that the objective of the documentary film and posters was to increase consciousness concerning the development goals of the millennium in Yemen, reminding of the awareness campaign the UNDP had implemented last February under the motto ” Let's work together for better Yemen by 2015″. She said the campaign aimed at finding a forum for dialogue among various partners of development and the concerned government sides for assuring soundness of measures and policies to achieve the ambitious developmental goals of the millennium on fixed time. She had called on all activities to play their role in enrichment of the dialogue to realize effective mechanisms and measures characterized by large and transparent participation.

Dr Hashim al-Zain, acting general coordinator and representative of the WHO indicated that goals of the millennium represented the essence of all international development efforts, calling the attention to that relevant UN agencies were exerting their efforts for the improvement of capacities and infrastructure and institutional aspects, I addition to creation of channels of dialogue with decision-makers and beneficiaries from development programs.

Dr al-Zain also touched on the eight development goals of the millennium that concentrate on reducing rates of severe poverty, and acute huger to the half, generalization of education for all children, enhancement of equality between the two genders and empowerment of women as well as reduction of infant fatalities by two thirds by the year 2015.

The goals also included reducing of the rate of maternity deaths by three fourths and stopping the dissemination of the AIDS virus, tuberculosis and malaria, and also guaranteeing environmental maintenance and establishment of world partnership for development.

The documentary film and posters have summed up Yemen's status and situation regarding the achievement of the aims, casting light on the national and international efforts for the realization of the millennium goals in various countries of the world in general and Yemen in particular. The film also presented official indicators affirming the importance of collective work to achieve the millennium objectives by the year 2015.