TEACHER EDUCATION (5)The concept of ‘Education’ [Archives:2006/969/Education]
Dr. Ramakanta Sahu
Associate Professor
Department of English
University of Science and Technology, Sana'a
The term 'Education' subsumes wide and complex ramifications. It has been variously defined as follows:
– Education is a natural, harmonious and progressive development of man's innate powers.
– By education is meant the all round development of the child. It is drawing out the best in the child's body, mind, and spirit. In other words, it is maximization of the potential of a learning organism.
– Education is the cultivation of mind.
– The final ends for which education exists is growth, self-realization, knowledge of and service to God.
– The aim of education is building up of character.
– Education means training.
– Education is a bi-polar process. It includes the psychological and sociological development of the learner.
– Education shapes and is shaped by trends and processes.
Wider and narrower views of education
Th e wider view of education is comprehensive by its connotation and denotation. According to this view education implies the process of development influenced by and influencing all aspects of life. As such, education is not merely a mechanical learning of some dull and drab information which have a limited relevance to life. On the other hand, it 'directs, guides and controls the innate impulses of the child, helps in the process of growth, unfolds what is within, prepares the child for the responsibilities of adult life, disciplines the mind, and reorganizes and reconstructs human experiences. Education is concerned with the individual with the society and with the individual in the society.'
The narrower view of education points to bookish learning, connected with a mere accumulation and transmission of knowledge.
Educational system in any country should not be amorphous, lacking substance and direction. On the other hand, it has to be modeled on the matrix of the traditional value system, equipping the individual to adapt himself to the growing social environment, fostering at the same time, the development of individuality bringing out all that is best and unique in the children.
Education may be positive or negative, formal or informal, direct or indirect, specific or general.