Teachers Day Celebrated in Taiz [Archives:2000/19/Local News]
Teachers’ mission to enlighten mankind is undoubtedly sacred. Its role in achieving allround progress and development cannot be overestimated. The great importance attached to teachers, in fact, amply justifies the privileges and rights enjoyed by them, especially when taking into account their difficult circumstances in which they discharge their noble duties. Unfortunately, all said and done teachers’ future seems uninspiring and dismal. When they asked for their rights as people in other governmental sectors did, they were usually paid scant attention. After a long struggle they were granted very little which are nothing more than peanuts. What makes things worse is that there is a systematic attempt to break their solidarity by creating rift among their ranks based on partisan and syndicalistic grounds.
Governor of Taiz Ahmad Al-Hajri inaugurated on April 26th the function to honor teachers and their grand mission at Omeimah school in the presence of the Deputy Minister of Education, Director of Education, principals, students and others. The agenda of the celebration included cultural events as well as honoring a number of outstanding teachers, sportsmen, winners of a competition of Holy Qura’an and other various competitions. Fatima Ahmad Salam, principal of the host Omaimah school, hailed the event as a recognition of teachers’ significant contribution to the society. Mohammed Abdulwakeel Jasem, media coordinator said that the event aimed at promoting educational and cultural values. “The festivity has not been organized for teachers alone, students are positively taking part in the event to show their appreciation for their teachers,” said Jasem.
During the celebration governor of Taiz inaugurated a plastic art exhibition and another on handicrafts in Al-Sha’ab school. Certificates of merit were also distributed among the participants.
“I hope that this day will provide an apportunity to review the situation of education in our country. We are very concerned about administrative reform, be it right or wrong and t end to neglect education entirly,” said Mohammed Naji Ahmad, an experienced teacher in the town. “In developed countries educational process takes three terms with two holidays during the whole term other than the summer vacation. I hope this frmework is considered for adoption in Yemen. I also hope that honoring teachers would go a long way to promote their potential and ensure qualitative improvement of educatin in our country, “he continued.
On their part, students attributed the deterioration in showing due respect and appreciation to their teachers to the lack of sufficient process of teachers’ qualification.
“Students are no longer holding teachers in high esteem as they used to do. If a teacher tries to be strict with them they sometimes threaten him of dire consequences outside school,” said Principal of Al-Yarmook school, Ahmed Abdulfattah Al-Shara’abi. Moreover, he attributed deterioration in students’ level of performance to lack of support by their families.
At the end of the celebration Taiz Higher Secondary School and Al-Yarmook School were rewarded for being winners in various sports events.
Yemen times-Taiz