Telling about the future Middle East by 2006 [Archives:2002/49/Focus]

December 2 2002

[email protected]
There will be one major incident that will alter the appearance of the Middle East. That will be the installation of new governance in Iraq. This will happen very soon. From that event, new alliances will be formed to bring Middle East nations into compatibility with the rest of the modern world – specifically Europe.
Iraq will be governed by Iraq – with the assistance and guidance of France. The infrastructure and specifically oil production facilities will be directed by Russia. France will provide the communication link with the European Union since France will be pretty much in control of the EU. Germany will be a non-factor. The United States will be totally out of the picture. The Middle East will be Europe’s problem.
Afghanistan will either again be a mess or it will split into two separate countries – one south and one north.
Pakistan will be a center for greater conflict with India and will cause yet another war.
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan will align themselves with Russia for both military and economic benefit.
Turkey will not join the European Union and will form a Union with: Iraq, Syria, Jordan Lebanon and Isreal. A compromise will arranged for Palestine.
Iran will remain non-aligned but with excellent relations with France, Russia and China.
The terrorists, whatever their religious affiliation, will be chased out of the Middle East by the nations of the Middle East into north and central Africa.
Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, the Emirates, Kuwait, will be independent nations, each approaching the route to democracy and modernity in their own way.
England and the United States will provide whatever assistance they can to help these nations – money, governmental expertise, educational system, infrastructure building, and without a military presence.
Russia and Iraq will provide the oil resources and transportation costs to supply Europe. The Caspian Sea oil reserves will be split up between Iran and Russia. Iran will provide some oil to Europe but mainly to all of Asia. The Saudi, Kuwait, Emirates coalition will provide oil supply to the US, Canada, and England.
The United States will (hopefully) dramatically lessen its dependency on oil over the coming years and provide the new technology to nations of the world (obviously for a price).
Russia recovers its position among the leaders of the world, France finds their “rightful” place as the true “emperor of Europe”, and an Asian Economic Union challenges Europe and America for economic superiority.
This is what will happen to the Middle East. What do you think will happen by 2006?
