Ten houses collapse in Taiz area [Archives:2002/20/Local News]

May 13 2002

Ten houses were destroyed and tens of people have become homeless as a result of a mountain rift in Attazia district.
Geologists at Taiz University visited the site and attributed the mountain rifts to the presence of a fault in the area which culminated in collapsing the houses.
The report conducted by the team stated that the unavailability of water channels during the rainy seasons is a major cause of collapsing houses.
During the rainy season water penetrated into the underground layers, which in turn results in generating this subsidence in the volcanic ashes.
In addition to this, the volcanic layers composing of pyroclastic rocks which is above the volcanic ashes have resulted in mountain rifts and leading to collapse of the houses.
Such natural incidents is not new to Taiz. Several mountain rifts and faults occasionally occur in Habashi mountain, Adhela mountain in Qadas and Adomala in Kalaba.
A geological consultant office needs to be established in the Taiz governorate to encounter such natural disaster.
