Tensions Between Islah and PGC accelerate [Archives:2000/09/Local News]
As the tensions between the PGC and Islah are accelerating, a number of fights are reported in different governorats of Yemen; In Shara’ab disputes have resulted 1922000 in attacking the Scholastic Institute by an unidentified armed group. The attack according to a statement issued by the Executive Office of Islah, Taiz office resulted in injuring a teacher, two students and frightening the people residing the area. Upon the attack military forces conducted an arrest campaign aiming the people residing the area and their possessions instead of the attackers.
Tensions over the position of chairman of the Education Office in Toor Al-Baha, Lahj governorate led last January to fights resulting in deaths and injuries.
Again, fights between students belonging to PGC and those of Islah took place yesterday at Sana’a University, Faculty of Education.