The birds and Plants of Socotra [Archives:2002/26/Last Page]

June 24 2002

Socotra is a large island in the Arabian Sea 350Km from the coastline of Yemen. Socotra reaches an altitude of 1,500 meters. The island is very rich in bird and plant life. There are seven species of bird that are only found on Socotra. These are called endemic species. So although Socotra has its own special kinds of birds it is a host island to bird travelers from other parts of the world, reminding us of the value of friendship with other peoples and other countries. Socotra is even richer in plants. Over 800 species of plant found and 270 are endemic which cannot be found anywhere else in the world. Very few islands in the world have such a rich plant life. Many plants have adapted to the extreme and hot environment in wonderful ways.
The Cucumber Tree and Socotran Desert Rose have evolved massive, swollen trunks to store water.
Have you seen these trees? Do you know where you could find one? Another strange tree is the Dragons Blood Tree with branches and leaves like parachute. This is a tree of ancient origin and the only other ones now found in the world are on the Canary Islands off West Africa.
Many plants on Socotra are useful to man and some are even famous around the world. For instance, the juicy sap from the leaves of Aloe Perryi is dried and has been exported from Socotra for hundreds of years because of its medical value. Likewise, the bright red resin obtained from the leaves of Dracaena Cinnabari is used as a red dye and has been exported all over the world.
1- Golden-winged Grosbeak
Not an easy bird to see, being found in the more remote forests. It will sit quietly singing or feeding, but when it flies the yellow in its wings and tail are conspicuous. What is the purpose of its powerful bill?
2-Socotra Sunbird
Yet another bird that occurs only on Socotra. It is widespread and one of the most familiar birds of the island. Note its rather long decurved bill- an adaptation for taking the nectar from flowers. How might this also benefit the plant?
3-Dragons Blood Tree
This tree, which is only found on Socotra, is known as the Dragons Blood Tree’ because it is the source of a bright red resin which used as a dye. Its closest relative lives on the other side of the African continent on the Canary Islands.
4-Socotran Desert Rose
This species is widespread in Africa and Arabia where it is known as the ‘desert rose’ because of its beautiful pink flowers. It is one of several plants on Socotra, which have swollen trunks, however, unlike the others it is very poisonous and is never eaten by animals.
