The Conclusion of a Training Course in Library and Information Sponsored by the Yemen Times [Archives:2000/48/Culture]
Interest in libraries and information in Yemen was conspicuous by its absence till the end of the last decade because of the absence of a national plan emphasizing the necessity to build specialized information centers that support decision making centers in different fields.
Even private organizations and societies havent given any attention to have such centers.
After unity in 1990, Yemen witnessed the starting of private information centers. Yet those centers havent been able to offer suitable information service and the only activity has been made in this field was issuing half annual magazine containing ordinary essays.
On the official side, the national center for information has been linked with the office of the president but its researches and studies cannot go public.
Why the attention now ..!
The government has started getting more interested in Yemeni documents after many inquiries from those who are interested in those documents and after many of those documents had been lost or stolen. In 1999, news traveled fast of the robbery of the big mosques library in Sanaa which led to the loss of many precious hundreds of years old documents. Before that many officials called for the renewal of old documents and taking precautions to protect them. Till now, the national center of documents headed by judge Ali Abu-Rijal, also head of the Yemeni society of libraries and information, is considered the most important center in Yemen that oversees vast operations of reconstruction of building and stores to keep a great deal of documents telling the history of Yemen.
Judge Abu-Rijal gave a speech at the conclusion of a training workshop sponsored by the Yemeni society of libraries and information from 15th Oct – 15th Nov, 2000, in which 12 participants took part. Judge Abu-Rijal stressed in his speech the importance of knowledge, talked about the role of the Yemeni society of libraries and information and referred to the financial support the government need to give. Dr. Abdul-Malik Al-Mualimi vice minister of Education gave a speech too. In his speech, Dr. Abdul-Malik referred to the different parties that should show interest in this field which has been until recently a field that nobody took care of.
The speech of the participants was given by student Abdullah Al-Sulwi.
In the end, judge Abu-Rijal, engineer Khalid Abdul-Rahman Al-Akwaa deputy of the Yemeni society of libraries and information and Dr. Abdul-Malik Al-Mualimi delivered certificates to the participants. Engineer Nadia Abdul-Aziz Al-Saqqaf received a certificate for her support and for sponsoring this workshop.
The question remains..!
Will the society be able to introduce the science of libraries and archive to people to reach good standards in Yemen?
Historical background
The Yemeni society of libraries and information was founded according to article of the constitution and law no. (11) of year 1963. It is a Yemeni society specialized in the field of libraries and archive. It started on the 20th Oct 1999.
The society is a private one under the supervision of the ministry of social affairs.
Goals of the society
-Introduction of the science of library, information and archive, aims at increasing the awareness in this field and raising levels of efficiency of libraries and archive centers in the republic
-setting the foundations and standards need to be followed
-developing the relationship of the society with Arabic and international societies working in the same field.
-encouraging people to make researches and studies.
-holding conferences, meetings and workshops.
-issuing scientific magazines, leaflets and other publications.