The first educational week [Archives:2005/841/Local News]
By Fahmia AL-Fotih
For the Yemen Times
With cooperation of the Arab Bureau of Education for Gulf States (ABEGS), the Yemeni Ministry of Education hosted and organized the first educational week for states' members of the ABEGS. The week activities started on Saturday 30 April and was concluded on Wednesday 4 May. It was mainly sponsored by Obeckan Investment Group.
The week aimed at giving an opportunity for ABEGS members to show their activities and educational achievements, to know each others curricula and to show distinguished educational experiences.
The week also contained an educational exhibition for the curricula and the achievements of the state members at ABEGS. Moreover, there were a number of seminars and lectures for those interested to learn more.
Mr. Abdualsallam AL-Jawfi, the minister of education, who had been attending the weeklong civilities, told Yemen Times” The first educational week is to discuss the new education issues in education, how to teach science, mathematics and exchange the experiences between the ABEGS states members and what they can benefit from each other. There were experts, researchers and lecturers from all Gulf States. There is also an exhibition that is considered to be the first activity of its kind.
In fact, we are going to benefit from the lectures and discussions. It is an opportunity to learn the latest things in the education process.
We are going to benefit from this distinguished week during preparation for our future plans and programs.”