The Nature Shop : ‘As much nature as possible, as little  chemicals as necessary.’ [Archives:1998/46/Health]

November 16 1998

A branch of the Nature Shop, one of the world’s leading manufacturers of natural beauty and healthcare products will officially open its doors for the first time in Yemen on Thursday November 19th at the Sanaa Trade Center, also known as the Libyan Shopping Complex, in Algeria Street.
A special VIP ladies-only promotional event was hosted by The Nature Shop last month at the Taj Sheba Hotel. The event was one of the largest of its kind in Yemen, and was attended by nearly 400 Yemeni and expatriate women.
Mr. Ali Haidary, the General Manager of Al-Ahmar Trading and Investment Company (ATICO), and Miss May El-Attar, The Nature Shop Retail Manager for the Middle East, introduced the Nature Shop’s total concept of well-being through its unique product range.
The Nature Shop “concept” offers an environmentally friendly, competent and complete beauty care line,” said Miss El-Attar. “It comprises natural cosmetic products for hair, skin and body in combination with selected aromatherapy and massage products, as well as accessories for the home and bath,” she added.
About the event, Barbara Demetrienko, Chairperson of the International Women’s Association in Sanaa, said: ” I have been in Yemen for 12 years. It’s really nice to see something like this coming here. Normally, I have had to bring all the things that I use from other areas in the world.”
Mrs. Fikat Topcuoglu, the wife of the Turkish Ambassador said: ” I have been using the Nature Shop products for the last few years. I’m satisfied with the quality of the products and the results. We are happy that they are now available here in Yemen.”Mrs. Haifa’a, the wife of the Jordanian Ambassador, expressed her joy at the arrival of the Nature Shop in Yemen. “I’m happy to know that they will open a special Nature Shop treatment and beauty parlor in the near future.”In view of the Nature Shop, Mr. 
Haidary explained: “At ATICO, we are bringing some of the world’s most famous retailing names to Yemen. We have gone with the very best “concept brands”, and that is why we chose the Nature Shop.””The Nature Shop “concept” store will be the first of its type in Yemen,” Mr. Haidary added. “A concept store is one in which an international brand retails the same products, at relatively similar prices, within an internationally consistent atmosphere. Therefore, the customer’s retail experience will be nearly the same, whether they are in New York, London, Paris, Dubai or even Sanaa.””In addition to the Nature Shop, we’re bringing some other fantastic names including Baskin Robbins, the world’s best ice cream, Bally of Switzerland, fine leather goods and accessories, Ecco, the world’s biggest shoe retailer, and Syed Junaid Alam, one of the most famous Eastern perfumery houses,” said Mr. Haidary.
“I think that it’s about time that the Yemeni consumer has high quality international retail brands to choose from. Why should they travel to all corners of the world to do their shopping, when they can buy world-class products, at internationally competitive prices here in Yemen. This way, they help keep their money within the country, and carry much less weight on the journey back home!”The Nature Shop concept includes: Alvi Olor of Spain for fragranced wooden fruits and flowers, Les Provencales of France for customized household fragrances, Guam of Italy for cellulite reduction mud treatments, Rosanna Zanetta, Italy’s leading natural cosmetics brand, and Heathcote & Ivory, the famous and exquisite bottled bath oils from Harrods of London.
Ms. El-Attar explained that the Nature Shop’s products are prepared by using vegetable and non-fat oils. In addition, only environmentally friendly materials are used for packing the products. None of the final Nature Shop products have been tested on animals.
As a motto, The Nature Shop has been developed under the guideline “as much nature as possible, as little chemicals as necessary.”
Nadwa Al-Dawsari,
Yemen Times
