The Situation of Mothers Hygiene and Population Growth in Yemen [Archives:2001/49/Reportage]
December 3 2001
Yaser M. Ahmad
Yemen Times

Healthy reproduction includes a wide range of components. The first is secure maternity which involves childbirth care and encouraging mothers to breastfeed their children. The second is family planning. We should note the difference between family planning and birth control. Family planning is to plan a healthy delivery for children, ensuring their proper growth. Birth control is to put a limit to the number of children one has.
The third component is the prevention and treatment of reproductive system inflammation, which may be caused by the sexual contact. Healthy reproduction also includes sterility and abortion prevention. In the case of Yemeni women, it is rare to find a woman who has not yet aborted. Abortion may at times cause death. Healthy reproduction also includes the media health awareness promotion, especially in sexual health.
The mother is not recommended to give birth to many babies, but rather her reproduction should not be in a way that is detrimental to her health. This should also not affect the raising of her children. Speaking about and raising the awareness of people to the importance of sexual health is not shameful. For the more cultured society is in this aspect, the more it can avoid illegal affairs and decrease the number of cases of disease.
All people must know the components of the reproductive system, how to deal with it and how to protect one’s self from sexual diseases in case they are present. The more awareness and knowledge in this context, the fewer negative effects one may be prone to.
The objectives of healthy reproduction are as follows:
Studies of reproductive hygiene in Yemen have indicated that there are major factors which encourage the use of family planning among literate women, of which 47.2 use family planning methods,while only 15.8 of illiterate women use such methods. The high ratio of literate women using family planning is a clear indication of the importance of hygienic awareness. It is obvious that family planning in cities is widely embarked upon, whereas in villages there is nothing called family planning due to the absence of hygienic awareness. Age plays a pivotal role in family planning. 21.1 percent of women over 30 use family planning, while 16.1 percent of women under 30 use these methods. This may indicate that the housework and other burdens are factors in womens tendency to participate in family planning.
Studies have indicated that birth control over a short period of time reduces the mortality rate among children. Studies have confirmed that continuous delivery has inevitable consequences such as dwarfing among children, mental deformities, etc.
The importance of breastfeeding
“The mothers shall breastfeed their babies for 2 years, that is for those who desire to complete the term of suckling, but the father of the child shall bear the cost of the mother’s food and clothing on a reasonable basis.” The importance of natural suckling is of great importance for both mother and baby. Mothers milk is the only protective way for the child. Natural suckling reduces health problems. Breastfeeding also prevents the spread of many diseases such as carcinoma and breast congestion and strengthens the bond between mother and child.
In conclusion, this talk of numbers is limitless and may take more time to discuss, but the real issue is tackling the problems related to womens hygiene and the problems of the high increase in population growth.