The Social Fund discussion session [Archives:2004/720/Local News]
Hassan Al-Zaidi
The Social Fund for Development organized a discussion ring, which took place from February 27th to March 1st, 2004.
The session was attended by representatives from the World Bank and Arab and International Donor Organizations after the selection of the Social Fund to present the Yemeni experiment at the Shanghai Conference, which will be held in order to exert more efforts to ease poverty.
The World Bank delegation, currently visiting Yemen, will inform the Yemeni side of how the Social Fund for Development can present its experiment and examine its performance and success in carrying out projects financed by donor countries.
The World Bank Representative said in the discussion ring that Yemen is considered the second beneficiary country in the Middle East Region, pointing out the examination by the World Bank of the 21 supported projects in the field of education.
She described the Fund as an effective partner in the Bank's strategy to assist Yemen.
During the discussion ring, the Minister of Insurance and Social Affairs and Executive Director of the Social Fund for Development, Dr. Abdulkareem Al-Arhaby, reviewed projects carried out by the Fund. The Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of Planning and International Cooperation also pointed out that the Government has sought to reform the democratic system and has intensified its efforts to carry out the economic, financial and administrative reforms in order to build the infrastructure for development within the framework of the five year development plan. Achievements are noticeable but remained late.
Mr. Abdul Latif Al-Hamed, Director of Arab Fund who attended the meeting, pointed out that Yemen in 1972 was going through a difficult phases but today has achieved major steps in the field of development and the Arab Fund must continue its efforts in Yemen for the sake of development and combating poverty.