Third Arab session on Human Rights starts [Archives:2003/692/Local News]
Meetings of the third Arab course on human rights began in Sana'a on Dec. 6, to be concluded on the 11th.
The event was organised by Human Rights Information and Training Center (HRITC) in co-operation with the German organisation of Konrad Adenawer, 40 trainees from various Arab countries are taking part.
Head of the HRITC Izzudin al-Asbahi reviewed what the course would offer in awareness of human rights at the regional level.
Al-Asbahi said the course would focus on the process of watching and documenting human rights violations as well as preparing reports similar to non-governmental organisations, reviewing the role those orgnisations play in this field.
In his address to the course, Rashad Ahmed al-Rassas, Minister of Legal Affairs, reviewed the distance the Yemeni government had traversed in its endeavor for safeguarding basic human rights.