Through The Mind’s EyeTo chat or not to chat, this is the question (Part 2) [Archives:2008/1201/Community]

October 23 2008

Maged Thabet Al-kholidy
[email protected]

In my last article, I have highlighted the negative aspects of chatting either through internet, TV channels or mobiles. Again I am going to talk about the same topic, focusing on its positive aspects. As usual, my purpose is to make a survey of the good and bad sides of chatting so that one can realize them and decide whether to chat or not to chat.

Chatting is one of the means that has contributed to make the world smaller in terms of communications. Although there are other communicating means like mobile, chatting is has many features which make it widespread so that many people consider it essential in the modern world of globalization and internet.

As a feature, chatting is not as costly as other means of communications like mobile calls and post mails. In the case of internet chatting, one can chat and do other things in the network like researching, sending emails. The cost is calculated as the time minutes for doing all these.

One, for example, can make a search in any researching sites; meanwhile, he can chat and communicate others. In the case of mobile chatting, the chatting messages do not cost as much as the other text messages. For this, many mobile users prefer to contact their friends through chatting messages rather calls or normal messages.

In MTN network, for example, the cost of normal message for prepaid lines is 7 YR, postpaid 5 YR, while is it only 4 YR for chatting messages in prepaid and postpaid lines.

Another feature of chatting is its being faster than other means of communications. It makes people know each other in spite of the spaces among them. It offered people chances to talk and even to see each other especially in the internet chatting. Similarly, the TV channels and mobile chatting bring people to know and contact each other faster and more easily though they may not know each other.

Actually, chatting changed the world to a small village. Now people can know and communicate each other though the spaces between them are very long. Through the internet chatting, using programs like yahoo or hotmail messenger, one can establish relations in all the parts of the world.

Similarly, chatting in TV channels produce people to each other so that they can build personal relations which can be developed to friendship, love, and sometimes marriage. The same thing also takes place in the case of mobile chatting.

Such relations may get stronger than the normal relations with friends or relatives. Some people like friendship relations through chatting, claiming that they take it as a chance to express feeling and opinions freely to them and sometimes revealing to them secrets.

For them such friends deal with them only as friends away from any benefits. A friend of mine, for example, once told me that he likes to make relations through chatting rather than normal relations. He justified that such friends may share him his ideas and feeling and since they do not him in reality, he never gets afraid that they may reveal his secrets and personal affairs.

For some people, chatting is life. They justify their idea by saying that it offers them good chances to communicate with known and unknown people. Such chatters can exchange information, news and ideas with each other, paying nothing except the subscription fees or the tariffs of messages. As it has been seen in many cases, some people create their own world which consists of a group of chatters.

Through chatting one can get an idea on how other think and behave. It gives a chance to get an idea of the beliefs and thoughts of the others. This thing may help to develop one's style of thinking and sometimes the manner of living.

Of course, there are many other positive aspects of chatting. These are what I know. Other good features can be suggested by you, dear readers, so that we can draw a complete idea about the topic, and take the final decision whether to chat or not chat accordingly.

Maged Thabet Al-Kholidy is a contributing opinions writer form Taiz. He holds a Masters Degree from the English department at Taiz University and is the former editor of Taiz University's English-language magazine.