“TIME” Reveals Shocking Information About The USSCole: CULTURAL CHASM BEHIND FBI WITHDRAWAL [Archives:2001/29/Front Page]
July 16 2001

The American Time Magazine published a report in its issue dated 8 July 2001 by Massimo Calabresi titled ‘Missing Link”. The article dealt with complications and developments concerning investigations into the USS Cole destroyer bombing attack while refueling at Aden seaport on October 13, 2000. The report revealed striking details for the first time regarding the actual reasons behind the suspension of FBI operations in Aden. The author gives rather detailed account on differences in viewpoints and procedures of investigation between the Yemenis and the FBI agents sent to Yemen as investigators into the incident. According to the article, the US State Department holds the FBI responsible for creating and deepening a rift with the Yemeni authorities with clumsy demands for access. The main reason behind the pulling out of the FBI units from Aden is as claimed by the author to be related to cultural differences. “The bureau and the Yemenis have tried and failed to bridge the cultural chasm between them, haggling over investigative methods and a security. The FBI and the U.S. State Department began a bitter feud over dealing with the Yemenis, leading to an open rupture between the agency’s chief investigator and the U.S. ambassador there.” Apart from that, the article said that ”there has also been a disagreement over other tactics.”
Disagreement between FBI investigators and Yemeni authorities and a ”terrorist” threat to U.S. forces have ultimately led to pulling out of the last 13 FBI investigators from Yemen on June 17, 2001.
In view of its importance we are re-publishing the Time article on this topic on page 15 of this issue for our readers to get acquainted with the magazine’s viewpoint and its account on this subject that has great influence on Yemeni-U.S. relations.
Full text of the article on Report page