Tourism board at British fair Promoting Yemen in England [Archives:2002/48/Culture]
The participation of our country in London’s World Travel Market, being held now in November, is among the hopeful signs that Yemen tourism will once again get the attention of Europe’s tourist community.
Other tourist exhibitions are to be held in 2003 in Europe and the Middle East, including in Italy, Berlin, Germany, and in Dubai, at the Marketing Festival.
According to H.E. Abdul al-Eryani, Minister of Tourism & Environment and the head of the Tourism Promotion Board, Yemeni tourism is expected to recover and flourish as it was in the 1990s.
Yemen tourism flourished in the last two decades, at the end of 1980s and at the earlier of 1990s, where the number of the international arrivals to Yemen reached its highest levels. That led Yemeni tour operators to distribute arrivals to other cities such as, Taiz and Al-Hodeida to avoid direct arrivals to Sana’a, because the capacity of Sana’a hotels then was not enough.
Now to recover from this stagnancy of international arrivals, a result to the attacks of September 11, the Board has decided to celebrate World Tourism day in a way that can lead to some operation of the tourist facilities. It behooves the board to concentrate on its activation, and thus Yemen’s participation in the London fair is to take shape as follows:
Yemen Tourism Promotion Board members shall clarify the distorted images propagated about Yemen.
This participation shall put Yemen again amongst the main International Tourism destinations via meetings to be held with tour operators and writers.
It should be possible to organize a visit to the country by some of the tour operators and some media professionals, to reflect the rich cultural heritage of Yemen.
As London Fair is an international one, this shall help to disseminate knowledge about the attractions of Yemen to a broad community.
Local Tour operators can utilize the occasion to conclude contracts for Yemen. Now, six are confirmed participants.
Also, Early preparations have been underway to set up a typical Yemeni Decoration reflected in the stand facade.
Participation in the Fair Meridian Club is aimed to give information to the core of tourist professionals attending the fair.
And a web site has been established for interested visitors to get information they might need. A link to the site is at and one easy click on the link appearing at the exhibition list can take you to