Trade secret in processing of onyxPrecious stones inside rocks & sensational patterns [Archives:2003/676/Business & Economy]
Mahyoub Al-Kamaly
The Yemeni agate is known as precious stones and the reason behind that, as it is thought to be, as it has a meaning expressed by the inscriptions and drawings on it that help its bearer to dispel evil spirits ns protects the bride against magic. Those inscriptions and drawings also protect the bearer from snakebite especially that most of the inscriptions are from the attributes of God and Kora'nic verses inscribed on layers of onyx pieces and women usually wear on their necks.
How the stones of onyx are excavated and where does it exist?
Historical sources mention that ancient Yemenis had practiced the profession of agate industry after they had discovered it while they were digging mountains for rocks to be used in building their palaces and temples. Precious stones are found in many various mountainous areas in Yemen. The forms of its technically skillful industry remained a monopoly for some families that inherited the profession generation after generation.
Masses and streaks in rocks
The onyx is found in forms of masses and streaks inside the rocks in mountainous areas mainly in Hadramout, Dhamar, Sana'a, and Lahj. A visit was made to the area of A'nis in the governorate of Dhamar in order to get acquainted with the trade secret in the formation of the agate stones and how they are treated with colours and inscriptions and then make them read for the market.
Craftsmen of this profession narrate the method of extracting the unrefined agate from mountainous mines. They mention that the operation needs big efforts. Rocks are cut with steel implements n search for agate streaks and when the precious stones are reached within an area of no more than ten square meters and a depth reaching eight meters agate is dug out in the form of masses having different weights. Craftsmen estimate the discovered volume of raw agate at one to half kg from which pieces of agate are extracted.
Advantages and inscriptions of onyx
Yemeni agate has many peculiar characteristics and various usages. It is mainly used on rings worn on hand fingers instead of pieces of gold. It has very beautifully brilliant colours and prices are various according to its type and quality of its moulding and refining by the craftsman.
Craftsman Khalid al-Sana'ani told us that the process of preparing agate begins after extracting it from it raw mass. It is put in an earthenware bowl and covered with mud and put on fire for a certain time to gain brilliancy and gloss. Agate is cleaned from gangues and dust by using an iron hammer and is being cut to pieces of different shapes and sizes on trunk of wood. The agate stone pieces are rubbed with a coarse white stone to be rendered into smooth shapes after being washed in water. He says the craftsman would in the final stage rub the pieces of agate on a white solid stone and then smoothed on cretaceous rock till it is become ready for sale, and this is the trade secret.
Craftsmen would take into consideration demands of market when they manufacture and process the agate stones. These people measure y their work to levels of prices of their products and needs and desire of customers. For this reason craftsmen innovated with various shapes of engravings on onyx stones. Some of them depict attributes of God and Kora'nic verses inscribed on agate laminas women usually wear on their necks.
There are some folk beliefs imply that wearing agate rings would help marriages to avoid and expel evil spirits and also worn as incantations protecting the bride from magic or the bridegroom from sexual impotency, in addition to protection from some diseases and avoiding snakebites.
Women usually prefer to put on ornaments and jewels made of agate to those made of gold for the latter's higher prices and also because of the low purchasing power of those of limited income as the average income level reaches 250 dollars a year, according to estimates.
Artistic engravings are put on agate stones to give them an immaterial value and in accordance with their different uses. Agate is cut in the shape of necklaces to be put on by women and sometimes gold or silver is used to give necklaces additional sense of beauty arousing sentiments and passion in men.
The agate craftsman shapes agate stones into many various shapes. There is the shining red one or resembling the liver colour. Some of them are figured with designs of various kinds of plants.
Some people believe that onyx protects its bearer from bleeding of blood and women are protected against abortion, brings luck t the bride and bridegroom. But most of the people believe that these benefits are only part of superstition and folk interpretations.
On the other hand the onyx is nowadays is exposed to some dangers as there is the process of importing cheap stones from abroad and are sold by very cheap prices. This situation has urged the government to establish a national center for training craftsmen on producing genuine onyx so that this craft is not exposed to dying out.