Trading Companies Tournament Strong Competitions [Archives:1998/47/Sports]

November 23 1998

The Trading Companies Tournament organized by the Arab Investment and Tourism Company, was concluded on November 17 in Aden. Twelve teams participated in the tournament. They represented Aden Hotel Movenpick, Radfan Tobacco Co., Ball Mall, the Arab Investment and Tourism Co., Yeminvest, the National Bank, Indosuez Bank, the Abyan Training Center, the National Institute, Aden’s Canada Dry (Cola Branch), the Yemenia Airlines, and TeleYemen.
A group of famous Yemeni players including Sharaf Mahfoodh, Jamil Maqtari, Nasr Maqtari, Adel Isma’el, Saleh Al-Shihri, and Al-Zohairi participated in the tournament. The concluding match grouped the Radfan Tobacco Co. team with the Arab Investment and Tourism Co. team.
During the first half, the Arab Co. team made several attempts, but missed more than one chance to score. The Radfan Co. team did better during the second half. They tried many times to get through the defenses of the Arab Co. team.
The matche’s official time ended with a no-score draw and the teams had to do penalty kicks. By the penalty kicks. The Radfan Co. team won the cup. Intructed by the young coach Arif Qaddar, the Radfan Co. team won.
In the concluding ceremony, the tournament cup was given to the Radfan Co. captain Basil Qaddar. The Runner-up cup was given to the Arab Co. team, and the Ideal Team Cup to the Indosuiz Bank team. The tournament scorer was Jamil Maqtari from the Radfan Co. team. and the Best player was Saleh Al-Shihri from the Arab Co. team.
