Traffic conference reveals terrible accidents rates [Archives:2005/833/Local News]
Brigadier Abdullah Shubail revealed terrible rates of traffic accidents occurring during 2004 in the third traffic conference held Monday April 11 in Sana'a.
The total number of traffic accidents were 12,257, of which 6,234 were crashes, 4,415 run overs, 1,362 overturns and 246 downfall accidents.
These accidents led to the death of 2,249 people and 14,117 were injured, some of them fatally.
The overall amount of losses of 2004's traffic accidents came at YR2.5 billion.
The third traffic conference was held under the slogan “for the sake of restricting the rate of traffic accidents and raising the level of performance”.
The conference called for the enforcement of traffic laws on speed limits, preventing younger children from driving and banning poorly maintained cars to help lessen the rate of accidents.