Training for NGOs wraps up [Archives:2003/677/Local News]
Fahmia Al-Fotih
Sponsored and funded by the US embassy in Sana’a, the Society of Development Women & Children (Soul) concluded on Thursday 9 Oct. its 2-week workshop entitled “Building the institutional capacities of non-governmental organizations”. The workshop was held at the Sana’a International Hotel.
The workshop was devoted to training 20 employees from 10 non-governmental organizations. The trainees received lectures on planning, management, and how to run their institutions successfully.
Yemen Times interviewed some of the trainees who appreciated holding such workshops, wishing to have similar useful ones in future.
Trainee Ahmed al-Ahmadi from Ebhar for childhood and creativity, said, “This is the first successful workshop I have attended so far. The workshop was distinguished in organization and the fruitful results that we have get. The trainees who have joined this workshop have now the ability to prepare projects and plans as well as raise their abilities and capacities of the organizations we work for.”
Aswan Shaher, Yemeni Female Journalist Forum, commented “This workshop is particularly distinguished by many things such as organizing, punctuality, the team spirit that prevailed us during the previous 2 weeks. These things we have found in Soul staff in which cooperation, coordination and automatic distribution of roles, the main traits of the staff.”
She added “What attracted me most was the effective participation and dynamic spirit of the participants as well as the mutual respect that gave us a chance to benefit a lot. We have learned a lot of things in management, time, and organization.”
She concluded “I thank Soul society for its intensive efforts to promote and develop the NGO’s work. It indeed deserves to be one of the successful civil societies.”
Altaf Sharf al-Adeen, Sa’da Charitable Woman Society, said “This workshop has gathered trainees from a number of governorates, organizations and parties who work in various fields and come up with one aim that is how to improve the Yemeni society via civil societies and NGO’s.”
Tawakul Karman, from Yemeni Female Journalists Forum, commented “What I would like to say is that we really have benefited from this workshop by its various lectures as well as from each other’s experiences. What impressed me much is to see some participants who come from remote areas that wonderfully reflects their strong desire and will to improve their areas.”