Union of Yemeni Writers declares Solidarity with Writer [Archives:2004/733/Front Page]

April 29 2004

Union of Yemeni Writers declares Solidarity with WriterThe High Administrative Board of the Taiz branch of the Union of Yemeni Writers issued on 25th April a statement condemning the administration of Taiz University for denying the writer Boshra Al-Maqtari a position because of her political allegiance.
In its statement, the union condemned such action a “violation of human rights”, asserting that such action is preventing society from getting the benefit of such highly qualified people.
Urging the sincere citizen to announce their solidarity with Ms.Al-Maqtari, the union declared its demands to be:
– that the university be allowed to be a zone of freedom and respect.
– the adoption by the university administration of a fair hiring policy based on qualification not political affiliation.
According to the union's statement, Ms. Al-Maqtari's employment by the university as an Assistant. Professor has been delayed for 4 consecutive years because of her political beliefs, even though she is very qualified and there is a position available in her field.