Unionist party makes amendments, reshuffles posts [Archives:2006/978/Front Page]
By:Mohammed bin Sallam
SANA'A, Sept. 2 ) The Yemeni Unionist Congregation Party (YUCP) is reworking the structure of its party.
At the second General Conference last Friday, YUCP approved numerous amendments to their internal system and shuffled many party posts.
The most important amendments were canceling the party's chairman post, appointing two assistants for the party's secretary-general and setting its executive board at 21 members to be elected at YUCP conferences. The reshuffling involved governorate YUCP chairmen who are added automatically to the executive board.
YUCP amendments included a proposal to modify their name and that of its executive board, but most party representatives rejected the proposal. However, the hundreds of YUCP members from various Yemeni governorates approved most amendments concerning organizational issues.
The conference resulted in several decisions and recommendations, the most prominent of which was the new leadership's recommendation to dialogue with various political parties about national issues.
Decisions and recommendations emphasized the necessity restarting the party-run newspaper, Al-Tajamu, which stopped over a year ago.
Conference participants formed a committee to examine the newspaper's situation, giving the committee a one month deadline to complete its task.
Regarding the YUCP's program, the conference approved a new platform for leadership to follow accordingly, asking it to review the platform, as well as present all developments for discussion at the next conference.
Attendees praised the Joint Meeting Parties selection of Faisal Bin Shamlan to run for president in the Sept. 20 election. Conference recommendations affirmed that the YUCP insists on free and fair presidential and local elections to strengthen democracy in Yemen and the peaceful transfer of power.
At the conference's concluding session, participants elected the party's 12-member executive board from among 35 candidates.
At its first meeting, the executive board elected the YUCP's nine-member general secretariat, including: Secretary-General Dr. Abdullah Awbel; Dr. Ali Abdulkarim, Assistant Secretary-General for Political Affairs and Abdu Ahmad Abbas, Assistant Secretary-General for Organizational Affairs, among others distributed across several units.