United, We Stand Divided, We Collapse! [Archives:2002/30/Focus]

July 22 2002

By Hassan Al-Haifi
As far as this observer is concerned I see absolutely no excuse or justification for the Arab World to remain in the fragmented and inexplicably divided position it is in now. Notwithstanding all the fancy talk of a united Arab nation, which many idealists have talked about for generations, but could not get to see it through we are as far away from being united as we could ever be. Surely, there is no dispute among the Arab population that the only logical and acceptable position for the Arab World is to be one nation, with one Armed Forces Command and one powerful economy. It just seems to be the only logical and rational way to confront all the calamities and tragedies faced by the Arab nation, from Somalia to the Straits of Gibraltar and from Mauritania to the Persian Gulf. Besides, we have far many more reasons to be united than to stay as pieces in a jigsaw puzzle, the edges of which have worn out thus making it difficult to put them together. In fact, one would have to state that about the only interests served by the continued break-up of the Arab World is that of the narrow minded rulers, who continue to insist that they are the only God-sent authority that should indefinitely prevail over us. In addition, the enemies of the Arab people from the outside tend to be the greatest beneficiaries of this narrow-minded approach to regional relations.
When seeing all the pathetic mishaps the Arab World is facing, within the nation and on its periphery, it is clear that the mighty Arab Nation, is no mightier than a lamb with all its four legs tied up, ready for the butcher to cleave its head, or any part of it, off. In fact, it is clear at this stage in our dismal current situation that we have lost any and all rights to deciding what our destiny will be, and where our course as a nation should be heading.
Where is the Arab League and what has it achieved so far, since its last great achievement in getting the Arabs ready for the October War of 1973? The fact of the matter is that even if the Arab League staff might seriously desire to get the Arabs closer together as much as possible, the Arab leaders are bound to stand in the way of any hopes of getting even one step closer to harmonious Arab initiatives. In fact, it is now so hard to get the Arab leaders to meet. Even if they do meet, it is so hard to get them to agree on a united firm and logical stand on any issue, let alone get them to work for the interests of their respective constituencies.
This observer believes that it is surely the tireless efforts of the Arab leadership that has kept this nation in its pathetic state, without exception, just so they can continue enjoying the absolute authority over the small segment of the Arab Nation, which they have come to dominate for one reason or another. Yet, it is not understandable, how these leaders are ready and willing to sacrifice the welfare of their people, while at the same time maintain such a fragile framework even for their own existence. One might even surmise that even their fate has now become subject to outside persuasion, which at anytime can say, well we do not want this ruler anymore to stay in power in that country. This is not a farfetched idea as one can see. Here we have Yasser Arafat, who is among the very few Arab leaders who is where he is, by a mandate of his constituency, not to mention the life-long struggle he has dedicated himself and his life to wage for his country. Nevertheless, a foreign power is now demanding that he relinquish that mandate. However all our leaders still fail to see that, with all the things going in favor of Arafat, compared to them, most of the rest would probably be surprised by the applause of their constituencies if Uncle Sam ever decided that this leader must go. Yet even that does not remind our leaders that disunity only adds to the fragile nature of their hegemony over their constituencies.
The fact of the matter is that the Arab nation has even lost control over its vital resources, which can command much greater weight in deciding the course of events in the region, if used properly. The fact of the matter is also that this nation is unable to defend itself against foreign invasion, even if it is an assault on uninhabitable islands like Leila or Huneish, not to mention free the existing enclaves that foreign powers hold in Arab territories, including the biggest cancer of them all, Israel. Who is responsible? Just ask any Arab in the street, and one will find consensus from the Atlantic to the Gulf that it is the infallible leadership of the Arabs, who continuously insist that they are as close to heaven as anyone could get! May God have mercy on us, for all that we can do now is just pray, until God guides us out of the mess, in which these leaders have put us.
