Unity All the Way [Archives:2000/41/Viewpoint]

October 9 2000

Todays talk all over the world would be about the tragedy happening in Palestine. The number of killings exceeded 80( 17 of them are children) and the number of injuries is more than a thousand person.
Each one of us truly feels hurt and furious about what is happening in Al Aqsa. We held conferences, meetings, we even organized demonstrations as a way to show our objection and anger.Then what?
The Arabs have finally agreed! They agreed that what is happening in Al-Aqsa should be stopped.
What is more is that the Yemenis finally agreed! All the parties have agreed to take one stand against the massacre taking place these days.
At least we agreed on something. Some sense of unity has arised in us and we do feel that we should take one stand against all threats that surround us.
Why not continue this way in all matters or issues that concern us? Could we agree in the same way on the internal challenges that face us?
As we are faced with the technologies of the 21st century. We are on our way to join the World Trading Organization. It was declared that Yemen needs at least 14 years to reach the level in which it could be accepted.
What about health? These days we are living a health disaster represented by the Rift Valley Fever. It has advanced to new areas in Yemen now, and we dont even have the basic utilities to contain the disease, let away treating it.
What about those people who earn their living from raising livestock or even butchers for that matter? Is there any kind of compensation for them? We heard that Saudi Arabia compensated all peasants whose livestock died of the disease.
Security, does every citizen have life insurance? Health insurance? Job insurance? Or any kind of guarantee that his or her life is worth something?
Women, and family as a whole. The rate of women dying during delivery is one of the highest in the world. And while the world is fighting heart and cancer diseases, we are still stuck up with malaria and polio.
The list can go on. There are so many aspects in our daily life that need attention. If only the decision makers and all the key elements at the power center join hands and decide to start do something, they can do it for we believe while there is a will, there is a way.
We need to face the time challenges with one will, under one direction, regardless of our individual loyalties. Before we belong to a particular party or community, we belong to the same land, Yemen. We should do something for the love of our country, something that makes a difference.
Yes to unity, unity in aims. Unity in direction. Unity in loyalty to our motherland. Unity in decision and unity in taking action. Unity, and unity all the way.
